It would seem to many that ceramics are a decorative feature of the home, but the truth is that they are essential parts of modern life. Many people would find living much more difficult if all ceramics were to suddenly disappear. From the coffee they drink at home in the morning, to the window they look out of to see what the weather is like, ceramics are a functional part of modern homes all across the world.
A hot morning beverage is an important part of starting the day in many cultures, and ceramics play their part. Some coffee pots are made of glass, and it is a type of ceramic many take for granted. Drinking their hot cup is usually done in a mug, and the artist or designer who envisioned it for a company specified it would be formed of clay and fired in a kiln to create a ceramic object that would stand up to heat and liquid.
Leaving the house is a normal part of everyday life, and looking out the windows to see just how accurate the weather forecast was is a habit of many. Again, there is glass that was formed with basic ingredients in high heat, so that is a ceramic element that often goes unnoticed. Walking out the door might not involve ceramics, but transportation to work has more glass for those people who want a view as they commute.
Those who bring their own lunch in a bag might be more dependent upon plastics than ceramic items, but eating in a restaurant with plates and cups is one more area where ceramics are part of living a modern life. For those ingredients to be properly cooked, prepared for cooking, and then eaten, ceramics again plays its part. Many chefs have discovered ceramic knives are an excellent choice in the kitchen, and even some of the machinery and pots they use can be manufactured ceramics for the kitchen. Their long wear life and heating properties make them a preferred choice for everyday work when feeding large groups of people.